Product Design, Sustainability, and User Involvement

The teaching model is a
combination of teamwork
and individual efforts

Teaching methods

Teaching at the AAU is based on research. This will give you teaching based on the latest knowledge within the specific field of study.

As a student at Sustainable Design your study will be a mixture of classroom teaching, teamwork with your fellow students, tutorials, fieldwork and workshop activities, with e.g. the establishment of models and prototypes.


You will in most semesters work in teams with your fellow students. By working together in teams, you have the opportunity to broaden the perspectives in your assignments. You will often have the resources to provide a practical angle to your project so that your obtained theoretical knowledge is transferred and anchored in practical experience.

The practical dimension in the team projects opens up for collaboration with private companies and public institutions. Hereby you get the opportunity to work with interesting real life problems.

The project team typically consists of 4-6 students. By being more involved in the project, you will be able to solve a problem that is impossible to solve alone. Besides that you can create more complete solutions as a team, it also ensures that you as an individual in the team develops social skills and often develop strong relationships with your fellow students. In addition to all this, you need the cooperative skills when you as a graduate typically will be part of a larger team in your carreer, to be able to solve complex problems.

Individual work

In addition to team work at the studio, there are also courses at each semester where you have to work individually. You have to study theory e.g. in the form of scientific papers, where all students get a good opportunity to indulge in a subject on their own.

Work load

The work load on the study will vary and we expect a strong commitment from you as a student on ’Sustainable Design’. There will be periods, e.g. up to deadlines, where you will be very busy, but always with interesting projects and tasks. Generally speaking, you should expect a workload similar to a full-time job (by preparation, training and project work) when you study ’Sustainable Design’.